Different options to suit your needs.
Upgrading your parlour can save you time and money
Upgrading your parlour has never been so simple…
All Dairymaster’s technology is compatible and works in harmony with each other and our systems are easily upgraded. It is just a case of choose, order and install. Our experienced staff are always available to discuss the best option to suit your needs.
Milking without limits
With Dairymaster there are no limits on what to add to your parlour. If you wish to add more automation you have multiple options from ACR’s to Voice Assist to automated bailing to Dairymaster’s Swiftflo Commander which can control all of the technologies and gives you the right information when you need it, during milking. It is all there and ready to be added.
Dairymaster retrofitting solutions
Is your parlour not performing how you want it to? You can now convert your milking system to a Dairymaster system to achieve quicker milking, healthier cows, more milk with less labour.
Turn your parlour dreams into reality…
Get our 7 steps to consider when purchasing a new parlourReduce running costs & maximise profits
When you upgrade your Dairymaster parlour you can implement the newest cost-saving technologies. As our products become more and more energy efficient this will benefit you in the long run saving you money.
Happier cows give more milk
When upgrading your parlour we focus on optimising cow comfort and welfare. The happier a cow, the more relaxed she will be milking and the more milk she will give.

Revolutionise your business!
Adding various levels of automation to your parlour will ensure that your farm is ready for the future.