The Swiftflo Fast Exit parlour is a unique system which allows feed troughs to move forward and upwards ensuring faster throughput. It incorporates many features of the Swiftflo Swing with the most effective use of space.
Experience the Difference…
You walk into the parlour and adjust the position of the Comfort+ floor
to ensure you are at a comfortable working height.
Know each cow…
Cows are identified as they enter the parlour allowing you to treat her as an individual.
The parlour that talks to you…
Hear VoiceAssist for yourself! Click below…
Quicker and easier loading…
With Swiftflo Plus Bailing each cow has her own clearly defined space, this results in much quicker and easier loading and all spaces are allocated in sequence as the cows enter the parlour.
Same feed, more profit…
Each cow is fed to her specific needs ensuring
she can perform to the best of her ability.
One touch to get going…
On moving the swing arm the system is activated and the milking unit is started making milking very easy
Visual management allowing immediate action…
At each unit there is a Swiftflo Commander where you have very visual information on each individual cows milking, feeding and animal health allowing you to take action immediately.

Why milk with Dairymaster?
Milk each of your cows typically 1
minute faster the
Dairymaster way!
Work smarter…
Once milking is completed the cluster is automatically removed from the cow and then it is
automatically sanitised using ClusterCleanse ensuring a clean cluster for the next cow.
Fast exit, saving you time…
When all of the cows have been milked, the Swiftflo Plus Bailing is raised to facilitate an unobstructed exit.
Farrell Family Farm…
The parlour has decreased milking times considerably and feeding to yield with Milk Manager from Dairymaster has ensured cows are performing to their full potential.
Cleaning made easy…
Plant washing is controlled by the AutoWasher which ensures that consistent cleaning is achieved on a daily basis. When the AutoWasher is cleaning the plant you have time for other farm duties.