One of the worlds most advanced rotary parlour systems, this parlour milks more cows in less time with less labour.
Our technology revolves around you…

Entry level farms with little automation
The Swiftflo Performance is our entry level range. These are aimed at the farmer who wants to get the right size rotary while allowing them to add automation features when their budget allows and dependent on what is right for their farm.

Typical family farms with some automation
The Swiftflo Optimum are the mid-range options. These incorporate some of the smart automation features that Dairymaster are renowned for including the Swiftflo Pulse, Retention, Milk Diversion and much more.

Typical commercial farms with full automation
The Swiftflo Endurance range is designed for people who want a fully automated solution and is suitable for industrial use. This system has the most advanced technologies including the Swiftflo Commander, Auto ID, Milk Manager, Voice Assist and much more.
Get our NEW rotary parlours brochure
sent directly to you by post.Experience the Difference…
You walk into the parlour and adjust the position of the Comfort+ floor
to ensure you are at a comfortable working height.
Know each cow…
Cows are identified as they enter the parlour allowing you to treat her as an individual.
The parlour that talks to you…
Hear VoiceAssist for yourself! Click below…
Same feed, more profit…
Each cow is fed to her specific needs ensuring she can perform to the best of her ability.
Visual management allowing immediate action…
At each unit there is a Swiftflo Commander where you have very visual information on each individual cows milking, feeding and animal health allowing you to take action immediately.

Why milk with Dairymaster?
Milk each of your cows typically 1
minute faster the
Dairymaster way!
Work smarter…
Once milking is completed the cluster is automatically removed from the cow and then it is
automatically sanitised using ClusterCleanse ensuring a clean cluster for the next cow.
The on-platform teat sprayer will then intelligently spray the udder with a teat disinfectant
allowing for better udder health while saving you time and effort.
The parlour knows…
Milk can be diverted at the touch of a button if controlling milk protein & fat levels, for feeding
calves or if an antibiotic cow is present.

If the cow deviates in yield or isn’t fully milked out the smart technology automatically retains her.
On the other hand if she is enjoying her trip on the rotary too much and forgets to exit she will be
gently encouraged to do so with our Cow Motivator.
No stress…it’s all done for you…
When the cow exits the platform if she requires further attention she will be automatically sorted into a separate pen e.g. AI, vet check etc. If all is ok she will return to her group as normal.

Cleaning made easy…
Our smart design really cuts down on time for cleaning. The rotating wash boom means no long
hoses to drag around or trip over meaning cleaning has never been easier and is much faster.
Plant washing is controlled by the AutoWasher which ensures that consistent cleaning is achieved on a daily basis. When the AutoWasher is cleaning the plant you have time for other farm duties.
Exceptional efficiency of installation
Many rotaries are installed in less than a week