Milking the way nature intended
Like a suckling calf we apply high vaccuum during the milking phase and low vacuum during the resting phase. Just like nature intended.
Like a suckling calf we apply high vaccuum during the milking phase and low vacuum during the resting phase. Just like nature intended.
Dairymaster milks 4×0. This means all four teats are milked and rested at the same time. Our unique way of milking is different to anything else currently used on the market and ensures for faster, more complete milking.
Dairymaster liners play a key role in our milking technology. Our liners are well designed, scientifically tested and have the lowest slippage rates on the market.
As cows are more relaxed during milking, oxytocin release is greater resulting is fuller milkout with up to 5% more yield from the same cows!
Dairymaster parlours are proven to typically milk out cows 1 minute faster. This can reduce the number of pulsations by up to 36,000 per lactation. This is better for udder health and helps make your equipment last longer.
Cows with healthier teats can produce higher quality milk. Lower vacuum in the rest phase keeps teats healthier and are less prone to teat end damage. Ultimately, this results in higher bonuses.
Better milking environment improves operator comfort. With our Comfort+ floor operator ergonomy has literally reached a new level. By automatically adjusting floor height you can milk in the position and at a height which suits you best. Better for your back and your posture.
The ACR automatically removes the cluster when the cow is fully milked preventing blind milking. Swiftflo bailing is for farmers who want to continue milking while switching groups making the process more efficient. ClusterCleanse can significantly reduce cell count allowing milk of the highest quality.