More milk & more profit with less waste!
Want to reduce your feed bill?
Maximise profits on your farm…
Feeding to yield allows for each cow to perform better. Many customers around the world are getting more milk from the same cows while significantly reducing feed bills.
Improve BCS with precision feeding
Feeding the right amounts to your cows is key for optimal performance and keeping your cows healthy. Dairymaster’s precision feeders can be set to a cow’s individual needs allowing you to keep her BCS at a prime level for production.
Individual feed plans
The easy to use feed management software allows farmers to automatically calculate individual feed plans. Farmers can reward high yielding cows and prevent feed wastage on the lower yielders, streamlining the milking process.
Accurate feeding for all round profits
A well-balanced diet keeps cows healthier and more fertile. Feeding to yield will express itself in better production and lower vet bills.
Dairymaster has a solution for you…
All our feeders are purpose built. So it doesn’t matter whether you need an entry level feeder, in-parlour feeders, a feed pusher or an out-of-parlour feeder.